BR 1510 BR1G 5000 gallon

BR 1510 BR1G 5000 gallon

BR  1510 BR1G 5000 gallon
BR 1510 BR1G 5000 gallon


Present Location Bressingham
Designed For BR
Type & Original Water Capacity BR1G 5000 gallon
Original Coal Capacity (tons) 7
Chassis Build Date 1959
Chassis Type BR1 3 axle
Wheelbase 7ft 0in + 7ft 0in
Gauge 4ft 8½in
Current Water Capacity (gallons) 5000
Current Coal Capacity (tons) 7
Allocated To 92203 BR 9F class 2-10-0
First Number 1510
Present Number 1510
Owner North Norfolk Railway
Status Static Exhibit
Notes Not known if tank has been replaced since preservation.
Locomotives used with this tender in preservation Believed always to have been with 92203 BR 9F 2-10-0 since purchase direct from BR in 1967 except for a period from late June 2011-late August 2011 when it was under repair for tyre turning and 92203 ran with BR1B tender no.1043
Photo by Chris Weeks
Photo Date 27/03/2010
Date Record Last Updated 22/05/2024



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